
Why we leave the grass to grow

Daisys in Summer

Don’t mind the “weeds”,

we’re feeding the bees!

Many visitors to Painshill will be aware that over the summer we leave the grass to grow long across many of the meadows. Before you ask, no our Head Gardener hasn’t misplaced his lawn mower! Long grass encourages a wealth of wildflowers which in turn support pollinators and other insects. 

Biodiversity is key to combating climate change and the mass extinction of animal life. Ensuring the ground plants have light and are left to grow is an important part of Painshill’s plan. 

In recent years the science behind rewilding is growing in popularity and #NoMowMay is seeing millions take to social media to highlight the importance of allowing your lawn to grow a little wild. The gardeners at Painshill have been practicing this style of gardening for 250 years. Part of Charles Hamilton’s 18th century design always included open meadows of flowers. 

Pathways and picnic spots will be cut into the grass so our visitors can enjoy the landscape. We hope you will come along and sit near the wildflowers to experience the beauty of the long grass, enjoy the fluttering butterflies and take in the sounds of summer.