From its grand position at the top of the hill you will spot the Temple a few times before you reach it. When you do, you will be presented with a view across the Surrey Hills and lovely spot to sit and enjoy the flowers beds.
The Temple, built by Hamilton in 1762, was designed to house the statue of Bacchus (the cast is currently outside the shop) that he brought back from his Grand Tours to Europe. The Temple was greatly admired by Thomas Jefferson (3rd President of the United States) on his visit to Painshill.
History and Restoration
By the time the charity Painshill Park Trust was formed in 1981, the Temple of Bacchus had collapsed. It is the most recent garden building to have undergone a programme of careful restoration. The outside was completed in March 2019. The trust would like to complete the interior sometime in the future. Find out more about how you can help the charity restore Painshill.