We are currently building a new Car Park for Painshill
Painshill Park Trust is currently in the process of building a new visitor car park. Work commenced in August 2022 and we anticipate that it will continue for a 12 week period. The building site is situated between the current car park and the Visitor Centre.
Please note: when visiting Painshill you will need to walk past the building site in order to get to the Visitor Centre and enter the landscape. There may be some noise and, due to dry weather conditions, there is some dust.
Together with our contractors, we working hard to ensure the least amount of disruption to members and visitors. We thank you for your patience while this work is completed.
Many members and regular visitors to Painshill will be aware that in wet weather the current car park deteriorates quickly and the surface becomes very muddy and uneven. In order to secure the future of Painshill a new car park has long been needed.
We are delighted that work has started and look forward to offering a greatly improved visitor experience for drivers by the end of the year.
Timeline of the work
Autumn 2020
Painshill Park Trust is granted financial assistance from Elmbridge Borough Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy and planning permission by EBC.
February 2022
Work began on preparing the field. Some trees needed to be felled and bushes cut back. We did this work within the guidelines of an independently commissioned ecology report. The work was completed before the nesting season to ensure the least amount of disruption to birdlife. The reptiles and amphibians in the area were surveyed and moved to new habitats.
Before work commenced archaeologists needed to survey the area. They started digging around 11 trenches to record the area carefully and uncover anything of historical importance.
May 2022
Work was due to start however it was delayed due to further archaeology work that was needed.
August 2022
Work on the new car park has commenced. Please note that if you visit during this time you will need to walk past the building site before you arrive at the Visitor Centre. Parking is still available and free for visitors. This work will continue for 12 weeks.
Approx. Nov 2022
We anticipate the new car park will open for visitors. Work will then begin on returning the old car park to Green Belt.
Into the future
When funds allow, Painshill Park Trust intends to continue to improve the car park by installing CCTV, electric car charging points for a sustainable future and electric security gates. The new car park will be designed in such a way as to allow these improvements to be made in stages in the future.
If you have a question or would like to know more please take a look at our FAQs or email us at info@painshill.co.uk
Does this mean we can’t park at Painshill?
There is still free parking available for visitors. Due to the fact we are moving the site of the car park we are able to keep the old one open until the new one is ready.
Will the new car park still be free for visitors?
Yes, the car park will still be free. We will continue to enforce that it is only used by people visiting Painshill.
How can Painshill Park Trust, a small charity, afford a new car park?
Painshill has been granted financial aid from Elmbridge Borough Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy as well as using some of our own reserves.
Will walkers still be able to access the footpath/public right of way?
Yes, a right of way will be maintained at all times. However it might move location. Please follow the signs at all times when walking through the site.
How will you ensure you reduce your environmental impact and don’t disrupt the local wildlife?
The tree felling, clearing and building work will be undertaken in strict accordance with an expert independent ecology report. Painshill Park Trust will do its utmost to ensure that, while making space for cars, we minimize the impact on wildlife and the environment. Once the new car park is open the old one will be replanted and returned to Green Belt.
How does this project secure Painshill’s future?
Painshill will have its own car park that will be used throughout the year. The existing car park is rented, incurring an annual cost for the charity.