End of winter news from the Landscape Team
The plants are telling us that ‘spring has sprung’ … but has it?
Apart from the gorgeous drifts of white throughout the Landscape from the snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) we have started to be warmed by the sunshine yellow of the wild daffodils or “Lent Lillies” (Narcissus psuedonarcissus). They pop-up each year around this time culminating in a fabulous display for Mother’s day (this year on the 11th of March) they seem to work with the calendar!
Over the last month we spent quite some time clearing log jams from the River Mole which borders us to the South and East. We clear the log jams from the river to aid its flow and to prevent the large trees growing on the banks from being undermined and toppling in. In addition, we fell some of the trees which have been undermined to encourage them to “sucker” and therefore form lots of lovely fibrous roots to trap silt and sediment and start on re-building the river banks.
We also cut back some of the overgrown areas on Berry Walk as this area has lost its identity. We intend to remove the roots of the overgrown front shrubs, re-define the lawn edges and replant with choice shrubs from North America and Europe, therefore returning this area to its intended design. Also we will replant the front line of herbaceous perennials to accentuate the curves of this area.
Our garlic has come up in the Kitchen Garden and is doing well, the Brussels sprouts are ready to eat and we have enjoyed some very tasty purple sprouting broccoli. The majority of the beds have all been cultivated and manured ready for seed sowing in March/April.
We think spring is here, all the indicators are there; snowdrops, daffodils, crocus and even some Egyptian tree ducklings/goslings – never mind the rain, freezing temperatures, snow and wind come and see them for yourselves. Once you have had a walk around, warm up in the tearooms and reward yourself with a large slice of cake!
Best wishes from The Landscape Team